Vivacare Dermatology Associates
This is a sample website that shows the Vivacare patient education service and how it can be customized for the practice and displayed on the practice website.
*This search plug-in provides easy access to your patient education resources
Your Chatbot for Patient Engagement
Vivacare offers a new AI-enabled chatbot for integration into your practice website. This chatbot provides answers to basic health questions and can be customized to answer common questions about your practice, such as office hours, insurance, procedure prep and more.
Unlike other AI services, this chatbot has been trained on health information from verified and trusted sources, such as the Centers for Disease Control, National Cancer Institute, and Vivacare partners.
Click on “Ask a Question” below and try it out. (NOTE: This chatbot answers only questions about dermatology topics and this medical practice.)
*These are examples of how Vivacare patient education content can be displayed as links.